Performers Team
Thursdays 6.45 - 7.45 at the Temperance Hall Shellfield Road.
Aims of the class:
- Meet new friends of all different ages
- Improve flexibility and fitness
- Enjoy different styles of dancing
- No set syllabus to follow
- None competitive element
- Emphasis is on fun and creating dance routines to perform in our organised events and if we are lucky
enough to be asked, performances at events around the surrounding area. The amount of performances we
do outside on our own will vary depending on what else is going on in the school calendar and the availability
of suitable events. You will be notified when we are asked to take part in outside events.
Class requirements:
- Children must attendat least one other dance lesson a week with us, preferably Modern
Theatre, Jazz or Ballet.
- Age range: From year 3+
- A different uniform is available especially for this class - details on the website.
Please make sure you have this once you have been with us a term, as we wear this to all our events.
Terms and conditions:
- When given notifications of any event, please notify us immediately if you can't take part.
We will then decide if it is possible for the group to take part in the event.
- Everyone is part of the team - attendance at classes is vital. Although we are not competing,
the standard at the shows we attend is high and for us to achieve a high standard; we need everyone there at
class every week. We currently only rehearse once a week for an hour.
- Please read all letters carefully and hand entry money and costume money in on time as we have deadlines
to meet in order to secure our place in the show. If you are asked to bring any additional costume or props,
please make sure that you bring them.
If you would like to come and join the fun, book your place with Miss Alison on 07734305348.